A lightweight bike rack design that will also accommodate all style bike frames is a novel notion, and just that has come to fruition with the Let's Go Aero patented V-rack design; our BikeWing bike rack line is here to stay.
Our "lightweight trio" AKA the BikeWing line is comprised of the BikeWing 2, 4, and T4.
BikeWing 2 - Weight 12 lbs. | BikeWing 4 - Weight 30 lbs. | BikeWing T4 - Weight 31 lbs.
Most often times, weight is a paramount factor when you're looking into bicycle racks, however; are you aware that most racks should be considered "overweight?"
For instance, it's fairly common to see hitch mounted bike trays and platform hitch racks that carry 2 - 4 bikes to weigh upwards of 50 - 60 lbs.! Smaller racks that carry 1 -2 bikes are most often deemed "lightweight" but, common models in the market are still in the 25 - 30 lbs. range. (Not so light after all.)
For most, price is also an undeniable factor in the search for "lightweight" bike racks; however, the closer you get to an optimal weight, the more the prices seems to soar. On average "lightweight" models of hitch mounted bike carriers, rear door mounted carriers, or even hitch-tray bike carriers start in the upper 300's and can surpass over a 1,000 dollars. Not exactly in the budget is it?
An easy, practical solution to avoid a lot of over-priced and dense bike carriers is grabbing one of the three pioneer products on the BikeWing line. All bicycle racks in this collection are 30 lbs. or less and are designed to carry bicycles of ANY style, size or frame. The unique design of this product allows seamless transportation by the wheels, which ensures a more secure and user-friendly experience. Feel free to load up a large pool of different bikes including mountain, recumbants, and road bikes. Our BikeWing can handle it.
Find out more about our bike boxes, enclosed carriers, and bumper racks right here.